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Fri-YAAAAY for Mifflin!

YAAAY for our Mifflin Teachers and Staff! On our final day of Teacher and Staff Appreciation week, we encourage our families and students to bring notes of thanks for homeroom teachers and a specialty teacher or support staff! Students can deliver their notes to posted “mailboxes”.

Please consider gifting a gift card, flowers, house or office plants, or even items for the staff lounge!

Download a copy of our THANK YOU NOTE TEMPLATE. Students can use the reverse side of their notes to illustrate a favorite memory of the year or something they really enjoyed learning!

Here is a copy of our letter home to families regarding our celebration efforts!

Don’t forget Friday is an early dismissal day! Pick up is at 12:39pm.

Earlier Event: May 9
What a TREAT!
Later Event: May 10
HALF DAY; 3-hour early dismissal