The Basics
Maroon or burgundy collared tops
Khaki pants, skirts or shorts to the knee
Gym uniform: grey shorts/sweats, grey t-shirt (no logos are allowed), sneakers must be worn
Closed toe shoes only
All students at Thomas Mifflin School qualify for breakfast and lunch without cost. Breakfast is served in the cafeteria from 8:45 a.m. to 8:55 a.m. Students may enter through the Conrad Street door at 8:15 a.m. The School District posts Breakfast and Lunch Menu's on the District Website monthly.
After an absence from school, school law requires that upon return to school, you present a properly written excuse from parent or guardian. The first day you return to school from an absence, you should present an excuse note from your parent or guardian stating the reason for the absence. These excuse notes should be given to the homeroom teacher in the morning.
The full absence policy is described in the Student Handbook.
A printable Absence Excuse Note can be found HERE.
Other Programs + Policies
positive behavior initiative
Be Kind; Be Safe; Be Respectful; Be Responsible; Be a Learner
PURPOSE – effectively address the behavioral needs of ALL students and to provide staff with the knowledge and support to effectively meet those needs; decrease the occurrence of behavioral incidents (fights, bullying, disrespect, etc.); and increase the occurrences of positive behavioral interactions.
MIFFLIN RUBRIC – Students are recognized for doing the right thing. Mifflin has established a list of rules that all students are to follow in all areas of the school (yard, cafeteria, halls, class, etc). At the beginning of the school year teachers will model expected behaviors at each location. Teachers will assign scores to each student reflecting their overall behavior for the day for students in grades K-4 and for the week for students in grades 5-8. Scores are to be kept on a chart in the classroom. Student scores will be averaged each week and the total score for the 6-8 week period will be used to determine rewards day activities.
REWARDS DAY -The school will hold a rewards day on designated Fridays from 2:15-3:15 every 6-8 weeks (a schedule will be distributed). The school will be split into 3 groups- grades K-1, grades 2-4 and grades 5-8. Each teacher (including prep teachers) will be responsible for "hosting" an activity in his or her classroom. Children who have earned the highest average scores will be the first to choose an activity. Each teacher will have no more than 20 participants for their group. Activities may include (but are not limited to): Arts and crafts; popcorn and a movie; music and dance; board games and cards; etc. Students will pick their activity on Monday, and teachers will have the list of students who will attend their activity by Wednesday.
DRESS UP DAYS In order to pay for rewards activities, student pizza parties, raffle prizes, etc, we will be charging $1 to dress "up" on designated days. Each dress "up" day will be theme related (sports jersey day, color day, crazy hat day, etc) and scheduled for a specific date on the calendar (usually a half day PD). Parents will be called for inappropriate clothing.
Please read the School District's official policy on student bullying, and some useful resources for preventing bullying, and reporting it when it occurs.
The School District of Philadelphia's
Code of Conduct can be read in full here.