Fundraising Campaigns

Get Starship Thomas Mifflin ON THEIR WAY!


Let's send our 8th graders off in style! 

Star Date 2018. These are the students of the Starship Thomas Mifflin.  Seeking out new knowledge and new destinations. Please help fuel this starship with donations. Help these students to boldly go on their 8th grade trip to New York. They will all miss Thomas Mifflin next year, don't let them miss their trip. Thank you! FOLLOW the link and contribute to our GoFundMe campaign:

Becoming 21st Century 4th Graders

Ms.Salter shares her passion for research and campaigns for Chromebooks.


My students need Samsung Chromebooks, a charging cart, an Epson LCD projector and protective case, an Ipevo document camera, and a cart presentation station in order to be successful in our technology-filled world.

My Students

"C-O-L-L-E-G-E college is the place for me!" We love to learn from and encourage each other to be the best we can be. My classroom is a place where students feel safe and comfortable to take risks to grow their brains. Together, we wish to explore our curriculum through different modalities.

My Project

Chromebooks are a wonderful learning tool that can be used in many different ways in our classroom. My students will be using Chromebooks on a daily basis to read, write, research, access intervention programs, and more. Chromebooks in our classroom would allow me to incorporate technology and online learning games with my students on a daily basis within a school where technology resources are limited. Having a projector and document camera will make teaching with technology incredibly easier. I will be able to show presentations and videos as well as display teacher led examples and peer work with a document camera.

Having technology in our classroom would be the first step to inspiring my students to be life long learners in our modern technological world.
This project would not only affect my current 4th graders, but will be used for many years to come.

This project is already on it's way to being funded! Learn how to contribute HERE.

Peaceful Playground: Sponsorships Available

Ms.Houser brings the black top to life with Peaceful Playground program!

Recess serves as a necessary break from the rigors of concentrated, academic challenges in the classroom. But equally important is the fact that safe and well-supervised recess offers cognitive, social, emotional, and physical benefits
— The American Academy of Pediatrics

Creating a socially stimulating and peaceful play environment for the incredible students of Thomas Mifflin. 

What is it? 
An inexpensive physical activity program that improves recess and overall school climate in before, during and after-school programs. 

How can you help? 
Individual and business sponsorships are available. Contribute to this project + have your company name included in our professionally designed mural! 

The project will be implemented Spring 2018.

Contact Lynsey Augustus for more information and sponsorship opportunities.
484.560.7128 OR

To The Theatre for Thomas Mifflin!

Mr.Monahan + Ms.Novrit are heading to the theatre with 1st + 2nd grade!

You find magic wherever you look. Sit back and relax. All you need is a book.
— Dr.Seuss

The 2nd graders of Thomas Mifflin Elementary School experience magic together every day in their classroom, imaginations, and their collection of Dr.Seuss books. These students are curious, engaged, and enthusiastic Dr.Seuss fans, and they can't wait to experience one of their favorite selections on stage at the Irvine Auditorium ! There's nothing more magical than the sights, sounds, and drama of the theatre. The Cat in the Hat, performed by TheatreWorks USA and Two Beans Productions, is a show these incredible 2nd graders should not miss!


Tickets and transportation total about $700. 
The show goes on February 8th! Help these students and their dedicated teachers make this a reality. 

This campaign ENDS January 2nd! Donate HERE!

A Maker Space for Mifflin


Ms.Adeshigbin campaigns to bring critical STEM equipment to Mifflin students:

I am a digital literacy educator in a small urban public elementary school in Philadelphia. Mifflin has approximately 300 students. This is the first year in a long time that the school has offered technology as one of its classes. The students are very eager to learn all they can about technology and the various STEM areas.  

My former students used a 3D printer in my previous school with much success designing and building their original 3D models. I know that my current students would benefit from being exposed to the concept of printing in 3D.

Each unit costs $236.98 including the filament used to build objects. I would like to start with one printer in the Makerspace and then add a printer to each classroom as funding becomes available. This is a lofty goal, but once the students are introduced to the concept they will want to use the printer in their homerooms.

I believe our school motto sums up our need.

Providing all students with the academic, technological & social skills needed to be productive & contributing citizens in our society.

The students of Mifflin, thank you in advance for your generous support!


Support this campaign HERE!