My students need Samsung Chromebooks, a charging cart, an Epson LCD projector and protective case, an Ipevo document camera, and a cart presentation station in order to be successful in our technology-filled world.
My Students
"C-O-L-L-E-G-E college is the place for me!" We love to learn from and encourage each other to be the best we can be. My classroom is a place where students feel safe and comfortable to take risks to grow their brains. Together, we wish to explore our curriculum through different modalities.
My Project
Chromebooks are a wonderful learning tool that can be used in many different ways in our classroom. My students will be using Chromebooks on a daily basis to read, write, research, access intervention programs, and more. Chromebooks in our classroom would allow me to incorporate technology and online learning games with my students on a daily basis within a school where technology resources are limited. Having a projector and document camera will make teaching with technology incredibly easier. I will be able to show presentations and videos as well as display teacher led examples and peer work with a document camera.
Having technology in our classroom would be the first step to inspiring my students to be life long learners in our modern technological world.
This project would not only affect my current 4th graders, but will be used for many years to come.
This project is already on it's way to being funded! Learn how to contribute HERE.