November FOM updates

The message below was sent November 16, 2021 via the FOM Listserve. If you want to be added contact Sarah at the address below.

Hello FOM Community.  Below are some updates and announcements that we want you to be aware of.  Please get involved!

Email Sarah at if you are interested in any of the volunteer opportunities below.

FOM Elections – Elections were postponed in 2021, but now is the time to step-up in 2022!  We are looking for new Executive Board member to keep FOM moving forward, with a start date in early 2022.  Time commitment: about 5 hours/month.  Go to the FOM Website, to see the positions and descriptions.  This is a call for volunteers

MLK Day of Service - Save the date - January 17, 2022 - Help with painting projects at the school.  We are hoping to get Jefferson students to help, but all are welcome.  Please contact us if you can make any in kind or monetary donations for supplies. 

Mifflin Madness committee March 2022 - This event was also postponed in 2020 and 2021, but was previously a huge success.   We need a small committee to form and plan this event.  This is a call for volunteers

School Yard Clean-up - Every Wednesday, beginning at 8:20am in the morning before school starts.  The Mifflin yard needs weekly maintenance and guardians and their kids are welcome. Come with gloves and a plastic bag or we can provide them for you! This began last week and was a huge success.  It feels good to take pride in your school!

Outdoor Classroom – Beyond the walls of Mifflin there is amazing green space that is under utilized.  We have one parent committed to begin an brainstorming and planning process for an outdoor classroom space.  They need more ideas and people to help.  This is a call for volunteers.

Playground Update – We need approval from the Philadelphia School Board to move forward.  Our playground project is an action item on the November 18th agenda, so we are hopeful for a positive outcome!

Stay updated on Facebook: Friends of the Mifflin School, East Falls _ @FriendsOfMifflin

Monthly General FOM meeting: 1st Saturday of each month – check our FB page for exact times, dates and zoom links*

Monthly Considering Mifflin: 2nd Tuesday of each month – check our FB page for exact times, dates and zoom links*

*There may be a pause during the holiday season